Pages/ duilleagan

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Horny-handed Harman goes racist

No, black skin is cool. But ginger Scots I simply can't abide.
Harriet Harman, New Labour's fragrant English rose and horny handed daughter of toil - her aunt is the modest 'Countess of Longford' and she herself was educated at the £20000 a year St. Paul's Girls' School -  has shattered her PC image by calling Lib Dem chancer Danny Alexander a "ginger rodent".

There is of course NO biological difference between the 'races' - a black African is exactly the same as a white Gaelic speaking Barrach, namely Homo sapiens. As a species, it doesn't matter whether a person has white skin or brown skin, blue eyes or green eyes, pink lips or red lips, brown hair or 'ginger' hair. We are all the same biologically. 'Race' therefore is an artificial construct. It makes no more sense to discriminate on grounds of skin colour than it does to discriminate on the grounds of a person's cuticle pigment or colour of nostril hair.

Danny Alexander is a bumbling idiot and political opportunist. The fact that he has red hair is irrelevant. Equally, the fact that Harriet Harman is a stuck-up upper-middle-class condescending harridan is irrelevant to the fact that Labour has done little or nothing to eradicate poverty in Scotland and continues to be a petty, conservative and redundant hindrance to the health and wealth of our people - be they black, white, blond or 'ginger'.


Anonymous said...

buail air cnag na cùise.....

MacNaBracha said...

S math gun do bhuail! Nach buail cuideigin air Harman a-nis...