Q- Why are Presbyterians against sex standing up?
A- Because it may lead to dancing.
And thus we saw the first 'Sabbath' ferry between Lewis and Ullapool sail. In Eilean Leodhais, the Presbyterian militias fear that within days, the island's youth will all be humming Paranoid and Warpig. Not long after we will see 'Sodom and Gomorrah' replaced by Gearraidh na h-Aibhne and Dail bho Dheas. Ozzy Dotaman will teach our kids satanic Gaelic and BBC Alba's weather forecast will be presented by Ronnie James Dio 'throwing horns' as sunshine bathes Tràigh na Beirigh.
Ciod a tha thu a' bruidhinn mu dheidhinn?
"Not long after we will see 'Sodom and Gomorrah' replaced by Gearraidh na h-Aibhne and Dail bho Dheas. Ozzy Dotaman will teach our kids satanic Gaelic and BBC Alba's weather forecast will be presented by Ronnie James Dio 'throwing horns' as sunshine bathes Tràigh na Beirigh"
Nach eil iad ar son a' Ghaidhlig? Chan eil fios agam, chan eil mi ach a' cur ceiste.
Chan eil ann ach fealla-dhà - doomsday scenario diofraichte. Ged a tha mi dha-rìribh toilichte mu na h-aisgeagan a' ruith air 7 làithean seach dìreach 6.
Uill, tha cuid dhiubh airson na Gàidhlig, Dotaman co-dhiù is eadhon luchd na h-eaglaise. Chan eil mi cho cinnteach mu Ozzy is Dio ge-tà. 'S mor am beud!
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