Co-fharpais ciùil airson nam mion-chànan Ceilteach. An-uiridh, chunnacas Oi Polloi is eile à Alba ach mar bu dual b'e na Cuimrich a b'fhionnaire! A' bhliadhna-sa, se Na Gathan agus Sunrise not Secular a chuireas rudeigin ùr fainear nan Gaidheal. Eden Court, an Inbhir Nis air 20mh an Og-Mhios. Nach math gum brosnaichear daoine oga a' bhliadhna-sa ge-ta. Siuthad!
A Eurovision type competition to choose a winner from the Celtic nations for the Liet International competition. Last year saw lots of 'nice' and safe but predictable folk music from the Gaels with only Oi Polloi pushing the boundaries. As per usual, the cool Cymrus walked it. This year, we have Na Gathan and Sunrise not Secular to try something new for Gaelic music.
In an important step forward though, there's more emphasis on encouraging young Gaelic speakers to write and compose new music in Gaelic with under 16s getting in free as well as a 'Nos Og' competition.
Nos Ur 2009. More info here.
If only we had the likes of Ramoneurs de Menhirs...! Fadachd orm am faicinn a-rithist an cois na Polloi agus na Gathan! Click here to see them playing Breton folk-punk with Breton port-a-beul accompanying. Direach sgoinneil.
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